
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Attitude adjustment: Fourteen Attitude Requirements to Master Martial Arts (#10 to #14)

10. Always follow a routine training schedule.

This point refers to having a system of training. If you work on doing squats and lunges for 10 years and that is all you do, you will have the strongest legs in the world, but will be weak in other areas such as your arms, back, abs, etc. So follow a routine that will address your overall needs and maximize your results.

11. Review and practice learned techniques frequently.

If we don’t review then we tend to forget. This is a general rule that applies to many things, not only training. So always review and refresh your memory by repeating techniques you have previously learned. One of the best ways that I have learned to review is to teach. They say “teaching is like learning twice“, and I can’t stress enough how true that is.

12. When learning a new technique, thoroughly learn the theory, approach, and philosophy, as well.

Take the time to learn a technique in its totality before moving onto another one. Learn its application, its variations, its meaning, its history, etc. This will make you appreciate the art so much more and give you a deeper understanding rather than a superficial understanding.

13. When you begin to feel idle, remember someone is working harder than you at that moment.

Many times during our training we will start to feel extremely lazy. You can be the champion of the world and it would still be the case, I don’t care who you are. We are all humans and we are easily disenchanted and unmotivated. During these stages we have to constantly remind ourselves of our goals to get over this hump. We should remember when we are feeling stagnant that there is always someone else who wants it more and is working harder than you, especially if you are a competitor.

14. Cleanliness is required throughout training. Keep yourself and your surroundings clean.

Finally, we have to make sure we maintain a clean lifestyle to compliment health. In reality, these two go hand in hand. Cleanliness helps to prevent any infections and disease from hindering our training, insha’Allah. This means clipping your nails, showering, keeping a clean uniform and training area, as well as keeping a pure heart and mind.

Kyo Sa Nim, Hernan Guadalupe is a 1st degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do under David Sgro and Muhib Rahman and a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Royce Gracie and Jeremy Lafreniere and an instructor at Aqabah Karate Academy.

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