
Friday, April 22, 2011

Attitude adjustment: Fourteen Attitude Requirements to Master Martial Arts (#7, #8, and #9)

7. Always listen and follow the directions of instructors and seniors.

We all need guidance throughout our training. No one will truly succeed in martial arts through self-teaching, to be honest. You can use videos, books, websites or other resources as supplements to your training, but in the end you always need a teacher. Once you have a teacher, start to open not only your ears, but your mind and hearts to their instructions. They are instructors for a reason so give them the respect they deserve and listen and follow their advice and directions. Keep the ego at home and step on the mats with humility, ready to learn and benefit.

8. Do not be overly ambitious.

This is probably one of the biggest struggles students go through at the early stages in their training, and sometimes as advanced students. Many people have superb talent and are able to learn and apply techniques after seeing it just once, but that does not make you a master of the art or an expert of the technique. It just means you pick things up quicker than others, but realize your place in your training and humble yourself. Even if you have been recognized as an outstanding student, it does not give you any superiority or authority over your classmates because it may be that they are better than you in other areas. Even if you are a White Belt and you can beat up a Black Belt, don’t think you now deserve a Black Belt. A serious portion of training is learning patience and modesty as you travel the path. If you can understand this concept, then you will prosper in your martial arts training.

9. Frequently evaluate your personal achievements.

There will be many times that we feel we are stuck on a level in our training. We will feel like we are not progressing anymore and as if we have reached our utmost limits. When we are feeling this way, we need to evaluate our personal achievements and realize how far we have made it. Believe it or not, everyday you are on the mats you are progressing even if the color of your belt remains the same for months or even years. Don’t feel discouraged; realize you have accomplished so much by just training alone. It is a feat not everyone embarks on.

To be continued...

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