
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Competition is not about winning, its about growth"

Last week I walked onto the mat during the Young Warrior's class. All the students were lined up and Sah Bon Nim was enlightening them about the significance of competition.

He said something very inspiration that touched me as well while I was over hearing from the instructor's changing area.

He said,"[Competition] is not about winning, its about growth."

It was interesting because a few days prior I watched a video by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor and owner of Third Law BJJ, Roberto Torralbas, sharing his views on competition. He mentioned, "Have fun, its a long road. The main purpose of competition is not to put medals around your neck, but to become a better jiu-jitsu fighter. So no matter what after today you will be a better jiu-jitsu fighter, so why worry about it."

Although it he talking about BJJ competition, this principle can be used for any discipline of martial arts.

Sometimes we get caught up in the desire to get a medal or to take home some nice plastic trophy, but we lose sight of the real goal and benefit of competing.

We should realize that after some short time, that medal may get lost among the clutter in your house, or the trophy may break or rust, but the experience will not.

No matter what happens the day of a tournament know that you are a winner.

Competing in itself is one of the most difficult things to do. Not everyone has the courage to stand in front of judges or opponents and go head to head. It is that sense of pressure, anxiety, nerves and HOW WE DEAL WITH THEM that make us better practitioners of our art.

After years and years of competing, I can honestly say that is the main reason I participate in tournaments now.

Over the years I have won many trophies and medals, but to be honest with you, the only one that has survived is my very first medal from 1989 and the rest who knows.

However the benefits, the confidence, the self-control, the perfection of technique, the discipline to train harder, the ability to present in front of crowds, the inner-peace, the beautiful memories are still with me after all these years.

It's about growth. When we begin to understand this simple principle, then at every tournament and every situation in our lives we are WINNERS.

Compete and experience the growth.

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