
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Attitude adjustment: Fourteen Attitude Requirements to Master Martial Arts (#1)

By Hernán Guadalupe

As I continue to practice and train in martial arts, I realize more and more that not only is hard work a factor, but more importantly the right attitude towards working hard. People can work hard, but lack the positive attitude and drive that will catapult them from being mediocre to out-of-this-world-super-star-status, insha’Allah. Talent is also important, but not a main feature of being a solid martial artist. Yes, it does help, but in the end, as Master Lloyd Irvin has so eloquently said, “Hard work beats talent when talent refuses to work hard”; and included in this is the right frame of mind.

With that said, let me present to you the “Fourteen Attitude Requirements to Master Martial Arts”. I have learned these 14 requirements through my study of Tang Soo Do. However, they are not limited to this specific style, but any style in which you wish to train. I believe there is benefit in these points and I hope that you, the reader, agree with me.

1.The purpose of training is to improve your mental and physical state.

It shouldn’t be about defeating an opponent, kicking someone’s backside, or being able to walk around with your chest puffed out knowing you pack skills to take down a group of ninjas (just kidding). Rather, training should be an internal desire to protect and maintain your mental and physical state. Mentally, training keeps you grounded. It gives you a reason to focus and something to look forward to. Likewise, it gives the practitioner a sense of confidence and self-control that other sports or activities do not provide. Physically, training gives you the venue to get into shape and keep your body in the condition it is supposed to be. We live in a world where the obesity rate is at an all time high in adults and children. Most people are not active and the effects of this are manifesting themselves more and more in the form of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the list goes on. This is the reason why we should train; to improve our own selves and lead healthy, strong, positive lives.

To be continued...

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