
Saturday, December 11, 2010

How long did it take you to master the 540?

Today, I received an email from one of my most motivated and talented students masha'Allah tabaraka Allahu.

He asked me:


"Salamualaikum Br. Hernan I wanted to ask you a few questions about martial arts pertaining to the 540 if you would answer them please. How long did it take you to master the 540?"

My answer:

"540 took me several months to get. The most important part aside from the technical aspect was the confidence to do it.

Once I visualized myself being capable of it and knowing and understanding the technique I started hitting it.

Like I mentioned before, it's not a kick you are going to flat out land. I still have to work on my balance for example. You need to work on the basic kicks first. Round kicks, front kicks, side kicks, hook kicks. All of these will help loosen your hips which makes the kick easier.

In addition, the person trying to land the 540 needs to work on their air time so plyometric exercises are highly recommended. You need to work on your calf and thigh muscles.

It takes time, remember be patience when trying this kick it will come after some time. Practice its basic moves, focus on the technical part. How to jump, how to land, which foot to jump off, when to rotate the hips, balance. Once you get these things down, the you can start trying to actually kick, each time raising your leg higher and higher and leaning back more and more.

Before you know it, you are hitting the 540.

So patience, practice and you'll see progress insha'Allah.



I definitely haven't mastered this kick (yet) let alone the art as I consider myself a humble student of the art; however, I wanted to share with everyone general advice from my own experiences and view on the subject.

Hope you all benefit even an ounce.

Happy kicking!

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