
Friday, November 12, 2010

Why do you do martial arts?

Thursday, November 11th, 2010, Grandmaster David Sgro visited Aqabah Karate and conducted an amazing seminar.

He shared with us a piece of his 30 plus years of martial arts experience. Not only did he share techniques, but also wisdom and a deeper understanding of Tang Soo Do.

I was intrigued by his depth of knowledge and his ability to interpret the meaning behind basic forms and movements. We constantly do forms and katas over and over, but we never take time to reflect what each move may mean. After he started to explain, what the movements in basic hyungs meant, we all realized how much we don't know.

That is the beauty of martial arts, the more you think you know, the more you realize how much you don't know. This concept is extremely humbling.

During the seminar Grandmaster Sgro asked us a simple question, "Why do you do Tang Soo Do?".

We all remained silent, baffled at the question. Some of us were looking around, waiting for someone to answer. It felt like a trick question he was asking us. We were wondering if there was a text book answer, something the masters have written down in ancient scripts of martial arts. But there wasn't a right or wrong answer, rather he was looking for a sincere and heartfelt answer.

He looked at me and I was just like every other student saying, "uuuuhhhh uhhhhh!" (lol).
I had an answer in my head, but I was doubting myself. I didn't want to look foolish if I gave a corny or incorrect response.

Why do I do Tang Soo Do?

Had I said what was on my mind, I was have said, "Because I love it."

This answer applies to martial arts in general of course and especially the two arts I currently practice (Tang Soo Do and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu).

This was the answer he was looking for. He continued to speak to us about having interest, passion, and love for the things we involve ourselves in.

It is interest, passion, and love that motivates you forward and pushes you through the grind in order to succeed. You will never meet an athlete that does not love the sport he or she is participating in.

He mentioned that this element is necessary in order to be successful in martial arts, otherwise you are just wasting your time. This was a valuable lesson for us that applies not only on the mat, but in life as well.

We were very happy to have Grandmaster Sgro visit our dojang and learn directly from him.

This was the third time I have attended a class he has taught and each time I begin to see things differently and rekindle that fire for learning this amazing art.

Thank you Grandmaster Sgro for taking time out to visit us and benefit us with your knowledge. We can't wait until you visit us again.

1 comment:

  1. "Uhhh uhhh uhh" LOL.
    Yeah, the class's front line showed us that we were definitely not lacking in the mental department :D

    It was really an awesome class. My sidekicks have gotten much better, walhamdulillāh, ever since I realized that it was directly related to the horse-stance.
