
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Staying in shape during Ramadan

Regardless of the fact that Muslims around the world are abstaining from food and water for almost the entire day for the month of Ramadan, many of us tend to gain weight during this month.

It is a strange phenomenon, but the reality is that it's true. The reason for it is that many of us try to do minimal physical activities so that we don't feel hydrated during the day. This is especially so this Ramadan since it fell during the summer season. This causes for the body's metabolism to slow down and not burn as many calories as one would if they were actively exercising.

In addition, many of us tend over eat when it is time to break our fast because our mind thinks that the stomach is starving. Although chowing down on some briyani or naan tastes great, we should remember to be moderate in our eating.

Keep in mind that our stomachs are shrinking due to the fast and over eating, even if it is less than you normally eat during the year, can cause some serious discomfort. Also, since the breaking of the fast is late, many of us do not have time to hit the treadmill to burn off the calories we just took in.

Many Muslims say, "I'll just burn it off during Taraweeh." You may be able to burn some, but not the necessary amount required to keep the food you just ate from turning into stored fat. Now image doing this for a period of 30 days. If this is the case, no wonder many of us gain 5 to 10 pounds during this month instead of shedding some weight.

Ramadan is a month not to only purify our hearts, but also our bodies. We should take advantage of this month to hit the reset button on our health and start fresh.

With that said, I wanted to share some friendly advice on how to stay in shape during Ramadan without having to hit the gym so hard.

1. Wake up for suhoor (the predawn meal) - The reason is that feeding the body, especially some healthy nutrients, kick your body into gear early during the day. Suhoor will help you stay full and hydrated and will be the fuel you need to burn calories during the day. Remember though, keep it healthy. I'd stay away from the fuul, naan, eggs, coffee, finish it off with a date breakfast. Dates and water are more than enough to keep you feeling good throughout the day.

Remember, it was reported by Anas bin Malik that the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him said): "Take the suhoor (the predawn meal) as there is blessing in it." (reported by Bukhari)

2. Stay active during the day - What I mean is do your normal activities, like walking, jogging, etc. If you feel that you are feeling dehydrated, then scale it back a bit, but don't sit on the couch all day waiting for Maghrib so you can break your fast. Live your normal life. Too many times, we become lazy during this month. However, we should remember this is the month to do more, spiritually and physically.

Stay away from heavy workouts, but do enough to get some calories burning and circulation to your body, even if its a nice walk after you break your fast.

3. Eat moderately - Don't grab a handful of everything on the table and put it on your plate. Eat slowly and moderately. There is no need to taste everything at iftaar. Just get what you feel you need. The idea is to break your fast and eat until you are satisfied, not to stuff yourself until you can't eat anymore. Listen to your stomach, not your taste buds.

Remember, Al-Miqdaam ibn Maadiy-Karib who said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: 'No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.'" (Ahmad & At-Tirmidhi)

4. Get proper rest - I don't mean to sleep for hours on end, but the truth is the body needs to rest. If you can squeeze a nap (kaylula) after dhuhr prayer that would be awesome. For those who can't, try to get adequate sleep at night so that your body feels energized for another day of fasting. Sleep helps the body relax, reduces stress, and aids with digestion.

Insha'Allah this should be sufficient, if we observe it, to keep us fit and healthy during Ramadan.

Let's take advantage of this blessed month to come closer to Allah with our acts of 'ibaadah, purify our hearts, increase in good deeds, seek His mercy and forgiveness, and also purify our bodies so that we can be in shape for the rest of the year.

This is an advice to myself first and foremost. Whomsoever benefits from it, it is only from Allah.

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