
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sidique “The Rhino” Furet Releases the Fury

This is a little piece that was written on one of my students after placing in his first BJJ tournament.

Sidique “The Rhino” Furet Releases the Fury at the Copa Nova Jiu Jitsu Championships

Saturday, May 14th, 2011, martial arts student, Sidique Furet, single handedly represented Aqabah Karate at the 2011 Copa Nova Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championships held at Brair Wood High School in Asburn, Virginia. This was his very first competition, but he handled himself like a seasoned competitor.

Sidique, who is known as The Rhino, is 13 years old and a member of the Adult Men’s class and one of Aqabah Karate’s up-and-coming grappling prodigies. He is dedicated and focused on developing himself into a strong martial artist. “His passion to train and compete is unique and inspiring. He loves to be on the mats and continues to push himself to get better and better. He always wants to fight the bigger and better guys so that he can get better, as well. He is not afraid and is very humble when it comes to his training. He is a great asset to Aqabah Karate and one of our brightest future stars,” says Aqabah Karate instructor, Hernán Guadalupe, who conducts the Thursday Adult Men’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class.

Sidique competed in the Teens Gi White Belt Cruiser Weight division where he faced some very skilled and tough opponents. He fought hard during his first match, but came up short and lost by triangle submission. However, he brushed off the loss and came back during his second match to dominate his opponent and scored a big take down. He then controlled the entire match, transitioning from position to position, completely neutralizing his opponent’s game plan and finally sunk in a deep guillotine choke that forced the tap out submission. His victory earned him the bronze metal.

Big things await this young wonder, so be on the look out for his next run for a spot on the podium insha’Allah

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nerves are part of growth

Being nervous is a part of growth and development. All it means is that you are taking the necessary steps and strides outside of the box to become a better you.

If it is normal, then you are doing the same thing over again and what you will get is the same results.

Experience nervousness! It's a indication that you are experiencing growth!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

14 Attitude Requirements to Master Martial Arts - Summary!!!!

As I continue to practice and train in martial arts, I realize more and more that not only is hard work a factor, but more importantly the right attitude towards working hard. People can work hard, but lack the positive attitude and drive that will catapult them from being mediocre to out-of-this-world-super-star-status, insha’Allah.

With that said, let me present to you the “Fourteen Attitude Requirements to Master Martial Arts”.

I have learned these 14 requirements through my study of Tang Soo Do. However, they are not limited to this specific style, but any style in which you wish to train. I believe there is benefit in these points and I hope that you, the reader, agree with me. I have listed here the 14 requirements; however, I have expounded upon each point in previous posts.

1.The purpose of training is to improve your mental and physical state.

2. Take a serious approach.

3. Exert full effort.

4. Maintain a regular and consistent routine.

5. Practice the basic techniques all the time.

6. Regularly space practice sessions.

7. Always listen and follow the directions of instructors and seniors.

8. Do not be overly ambitious.

9. Frequently evaluate your personal achievements.

10. Always follow a routine training schedule.

11. Review and practice learned techniques frequently.

12. When learning a new technique, thoroughly learn the theory, approach, and philosophy as well.

13. When you begin to feel idle, remember someone is working harder than you at that moment.

14. Cleanliness is required throughout training. Keep yourself and your surroundings clean.