
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to properly fold your Karate uniform

I've been wanting to record a short instructional video on how to properly fold a karate uniform or gi for quite some time now.

To many times, I have seen students just throw their uniforms in their gym bags right after class. The next day, they would show up for class and pull it out of their gym bag in the same condition it was thrown in. They would come on the mat with a stinky and wrinkled uniform and they think that's okay.

This is a serious problem in my opinion. I believe that martial arts is not just about the kicks, punches, submissions, etc. I believe it is about discipline, development, respect, and honor.

If you come to class with a stinky and wrinkled uniform where is the discipline, where is the development as a martial artist, where is the respect for your gi, where is the honor in wearing your gi?

The uniform is an important part of training. When you put on your uniform you are representing the art and style you are learning. You also represent your school and teacher. Therefore, every student should make it a point to properly learn how to fold their gi and preserve a lost tradition.

I remember when I used to train with Sifu Vizzio in Union City, NJ back in the early 90's, he made folding the uniform part of class and testing. If you did not know how to properly fold your uniform, chances were you'd fail your promotion test. This is how important caring for your uniform was back then.

So with that said, I filmed a short video showing how to properly fold your gi. Keep in mind that this is only one way of doing so. If you choose to observe this tip, then that's great. If you don't, then that's okay too.

If your style has a different way of folding your gi, then I highly suggest that you adhere to your style's way and up hold their traditional way.

So without further-ado...

Additional points:

1. Wash your gi after every class - This may be difficult if you attend classes everyday. In this case, make sure you have more than one gi.

Most people like to hang dry their gi so it does not shrink. If you do this, then make sure you observe the following point.

If you dry your gi, then you don't have to iron it. You can simple take it out of the dryer and fold it. It will be ready for you to use for your next class.

2. Iron your gi before class - One of the worst things a student can do is come to class with a wrinkled uniform. If you take 5 minutes of your day to iron your gi it will reflect who you are as a person and how important your gi is to your training.


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